Immigration Laws and enforcement

Immigration Laws and enforcement

New Immigration Laws and enforcement guidelines

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is a U.S. government agency that enforces federal immigration laws including border control and immigration. ICE agents conduct work all around the United States, but especially in areas within 100 miles of an international border.

In the Miami-Dade area, ICE agents have stepped up their activities. Individuals approached by an ICE agent could be taken into custody and held indefinitely during immigration hearings.

During immigration court proceedings, you are not entitled to a lawyer. Immigrants facing these proceedings will usually only have legal representation if they can afford the costs on their own.

For this and other reasons, many people decide that the best thing to do is to carefully manage situations that might draw ICE attention.

It’s important to understand what your rights are in Miami-Dade if you are approached by ICE.

Luckily, you have legal rights in America even if your immigration status is unclear.

What to Do If Immigration Agents Come to Your Door in Miami-Dade

If officers come to your door, keep the door closed. Ask whether they are ICE agents and why they are there. Opening the door does not give agents permission to enter the building, but it is always safer to speak to agents through the door.

What to Do if Immigration Agents Want to Enter Your Home or Business

If agents request to enter, ask to see a warrant signed by a judge. The warrant can be slipped safely under the door. It does not need to be handed directly to you. If there is no warrant, you do not need to open the door or let agents inside. You also do not need to answer their questions.

What to Do if Immigration Agents Appear to Have a Warrant to Enter

ICE agents may mislead you or misstate what kind of document they have. If a warrant is real, a line at the top should clearly tell you what court it was issued by. A line at the bottom should have the signature of a judge.

Sometimes, agents may try to provide you with a document signed by an ICE or Department of Homeland Security employee. This is not a court order. You are not required to allow agents inside based on these documents.

An ICE “Administrative Warrant,” also known as Form 1-200 or Form 1-205, does not allow ICE agents to enter any premises.

What to Do if Immigration Agents Force Their Way In to a Home or Business

Do not attempt to resist ICE agents. You may be met with extreme force.

Do not answer any questions posed to you by ICE agents.

Remember these three safe phrases:

  • “I do not consent to your entry or search.”
  • “I am exercising the right to remain silent.”
  • “I want to talk to a lawyer as soon as possible.”

Also remember: Anyone else on the premises may also exercise their right to remain silent!

Finally, be cautious not to do any of the following:

  • Do not lie or provide false documents of any kind.
  • Do not sign any papers without a lawyer’s advice.

Get Immigration Law Help in Miami-Dade

Unannounced workplace “raids” and traffic checkpoints in the Miami-Dade region have led to uncertainty and heartache for thousands of people. The best way to defend yourself is to get the legal advice and representation you need.

To find out more, contact us today. We look forward to helping you.

Immigration Laws miami

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