asylum miami

As of January 29, 2018, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) implemented a new system for scheduling interviews for asylum applications at the USCIS Asylum Unit.

This new scheduling system affects all past, current and future affirmative applications seeking asylum relief. This system is based on last in, first application out. Hence, the interviews will be scheduled in a specific order, based on three priorities.

How will the new applications be scheduled under the new scheduling system?

 Until further notice, interviews will be scheduled in the following order:

  • First priority: Applications that were rescheduled by applicant’s or USCIS request
  • Second priority: Applications that have been filed 21 days or less
  • Third priority: Most recently filed applications will be scheduled first, then working back to older filings

 How does this change affect asylum applicants?

USCIS now prioritizes the order of interviews with new filings ahead of all other files that have been waiting for years. For example, if an applicant submits its asylum application this week, USCIS will schedule an interview in Miami or Broward within the next 21 days.

Asylum miami applicants that filed before January 29, 2018, should expect an interview after the applications filed after January 28, 2018 are interviewed, as well as the applications that were rescheduled under the First Priority.

The consequences for applicants with applications filed after January 29, 2018 are critical and time sensitive. They need to have their evidence ready, an interpreter available (if needed), and prepare their testimony for the interview.

These applicants will more likely than not be able to benefit from a work permit because not enough time has passed to be able to request such benefit.

However, if these applicants have a spouse and/or children outside of the United States, who may be in danger due to the conditions in their countries, they may be reunited sooner if the asylum applicant is interviewed as early as possible and asylum is granted.

If the applicant does not have a well prepared application, it may be wise to wait to file. This wait time will be for the applicant to collect evidence, prepare a thorough statement, translate foreign documents, and make sure the information on the asylum form is true and correct, and get advice from an immigration attorney as to filing deadlines and preserving legal status.

Is it possible to reschedule the asylum interview?

Yes. It is possible to reschedule the interview one time without requiring an explanation.

How does the new system affect applicants that have been waiting for months or years for an interview?

The applicants that have been waiting for a long time for an interview are now placed behind the applications filed after January 29, 2018. In most cases, this means that the applicants will continue to wait. These applicants will probably will be able to request a work permit.

If they have trouble receiving this benefit, they should seek legal advice immediately. If the country conditions of the applicant’s country of origin change, diminishing or elevating the applicant’s eligibility for asylum in miami or broward, these applicants should seek legal advice immediately.

What if an Applicant with a pending application has serious reasons to be interviewed as soon as possible?

 There are many situations where an applicant needs to be interviewed as soon as possible so the application can be adjudicated.

For example, the country conditions of their country of origin have gotten worse and their immediate family is in grave danger; or the country conditions are soon to change and the applicant will lose a chance to be granted asylum miami.

It is possible that an applicant is not in good health and can no longer wait years for an interview. These situations may merit an expedited request for an interview, but they are granted on a case by case basis, and possibly put on a short list.

What to do?

An applicant for asylum miami should seek legal advice before filing an asylum application. There are many who chose not to do so, only to find after the interview that the application was not complete, missing evidence, incorrect translations, etc.

The applicant probably had misguided knowledge of the interview process or did not know of other eligibility requirements, such as of good moral character.

The asylum applicant is seeking to stay in the United States because a fear of persecution in his/her country of origin, and as such, Ferretjans Law strongly encourages applicants to approach this process with the best representation possible.

Ferretjans Law, provides case-by-case evaluations at the detention centers in Krome, or Glades or Broward Transitional Center (BTC,) or Orlando Detention Centers. Call us to schedule a Evaluation  for any Deportation Defense and/or Immigration Bond evaluation at 305-925-0811.


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